Personal Mentoring

Apply for One On One Mentoring with Melody.  She'll work with you on what is needed to get you moving forward and how to get there.  Need to identify your call or destiny?  Want some help in the prophetic?  Melody assesses what she has to give, as tools to build what is in you.  She initiates everyone on a minimum 4 hour basis, assessing how she can adjust what is needed or if she can continue to help you per her estimation.  Her goal is to make sure that you are actualizing your best self by implementing what Creator gives to strengthen your purpose.  She prays over every applicant and only wishes to spend time with the few she is called to.  There are only a certain amount of mentoring spots open, so if her schedule is full, request that she put you on her waiting list. 

Apply for mentoring, and schedule your phone interview with Melody to see if she can assist. She will tell you at the time of your interview whether you should continue with setup. There are only so many slots for her mentoring sessions and you can get on her waiting list if she is full.


Personal Mentoring Options

Start Here

Apply for mentoring and schedule your phone interview with Melody to see if she can assist. She will tell you at the time of your interview whether you should continue with setup. There are limited slots for her mentoring sessions, but she has a waiting list. Apply Now
Order a single mentoring session. Order 1 Session
Order a single monthly mentoring subscription. Order 1 Monthly
Order a twice-monthly mentoring subscription. Order 2 Monthly

Mentoring Adventure

Welcome To "See & Discover" If you desire to see more in the spirit realm, this may be for you! Find out how Creator communicates through all your spiritual senses....