Intuitive ReadingsReceive a 30 Minute MP3 Intuitive Reading!
Are you waiting for some areas of life to come into focus? Have you been seeking your area of brilliance? Request a reading and allow Creator to answer your heart's cry. He wants to show you all the talents He's deposited in you with fine tuned accuracy and clarity! What is your greatness?

Why this reading is different from your standard prophetic word?
On my sign up form, you'll have the opportunity to ask specific questions that you would like Creator to speak to you about. I would also encourage you to stay open about what He decides to say, as well. He is usually good to answer the queries we pose to Him in one way or another in His timing. Just know that I can only give what I receive. He also likes to throw little bonuses in here and there, too at times. His desire is to see you fulfilled. This is why He has created you. For you to live out the fullness of His original purpose for your life. Please only ask 1-3 very specific questions. Thirty minutes is not as long as it seems when trying to address a novel of inquiries. You will also receive your reading sooner when just allowing Creator to speak whatever is on His heart. It takes time to pray into very specific requests and though I don't mind doing so, I want to make sure that I am hearing and addressing what is on your heart from His heart and not my head. Thank you!

Disclaimer: If the reading does not address a specific question to your satisfaction about your life, feel free to ask. I will be happy to share any impressions I get. However, I do want to say up front that I can only give what I receive from The Spirit. I often see images and metaphoric pictures, which I will always try to translate (to the best of my ability) into a language that is relevant to your life and circumstance. Having said that, if you do not receive a specific answer that you are looking for anywhere in the reading, then I didn't get anything to pass on for that particular subject.

What You Receive
When you order an intuitive reading with me, you'll receive a 30 minute MP3 recording for prophetic insight into general or specific situations. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions for clarity through email communication in your submission form if you so choose. You'll receive the MP3 recording of the reading in your email as soon as I can get to it. (It can depend upon weekends, holidays, if I've been on a recent podcast with a strong following or just how busy I am in general, including travel. I have been receiving a much higher volume of orders lately, so please give me the time to pray into Spirit's heart for you. If you are ordering a gift with a deadline please give me as much time as possible for me to get to it. I assure you that God's heart for you or your recipient is always worth the wait. I will always try to keep you informed of where you are in my queue. I appreciate your patience more than you know and am honored to have the opportunity to speak into you.)

Purchase a single recording, a recording to gift a friend or family member, or get a price break on a monthly subscription. (If you are ordering a gift for a birthday, please give a 3 week turnaround time.)

The monthly subscription can help give needed vision and direction, through especially significant transitions in your life, and can be similar to regular maintenance bringing affirmation and confirmation to your path. (This product is now based upon limited time and if I have an open slot. I will refund your payment and cancel your subscription if I do not have the time open for you.)

New Year Reading! Purchase Now!



Intuitive Reading

Single 30-Minute MP3 Email to You


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Reading of the Month

Automatically get a reading from me in your email every month!  Best Deal!

$88.50 / month

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Gift a Reading 

Gift a Reading

Give a friend or family member an MP3 Personalized Prophetic Word.


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The Business of Being You. Get a Prophetic Word for Business Direction Here!


Written Reading

Get a Written Reading from Melody's associates! These guys are awesome!

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My well-trained associates will do a written (substantial) reading addressing what Creator wants to say. ($88.50). Please allow plenty of time for us to get back to you to meet specific deadlines. Let us know if it's for NO occasion, it's a New Year, Birthday or other special occasion word for you, or a gift for someone you care about. Simply fill out the form when you "Order Now!"


Why We Charge:

You Get Paid For Your Time And Your Skills

You may ask why I charge for what I do. The answer is actually very simple. You go to work (if you have work) and get paid for using your gifts and talents to help those who need them. It's called a job. Strange concept, I know. Even those who work for themselves, charge for their services and what they are gifted in. I believe that if I didn't charge for my time, I would be lacking in business acumen, and I would be held accountable for that. God has given all of us skills, talents and gifts that can be used for His purposes, and still make us a living. He gave us a mind to be wise and steward our time and money. It's God's desire that we work and make a living! I believe that it is also His will that we utilize what He has endowed us with for His purposes, and to make a living. The Bible speaks of how the prophets and apostles were cared for by those they ministered to. Consider spiritual gifts that a pastor pursues and utilizes in his work with a congregation, while being paid to live and operate in his giftings. His gifts and anointing are not sold. His time however, is worthy of pay.

My Time Is Valuable

It is not my typical modus operandi to rattle off prophetic words on cue when an individual has asked for very specific direction. It often takes intimate time and prayer to hear what God is saying for a significant moment in someone's life. And it of course, takes time and prayer to analyze a dream by The Spirit for the deeper purposes of bringing healing and direction. I believe that the measure with which you value something is the same measure with which you are willing to invest in it. Be that time, finances or your efforts. What I charge for is my time, research and work. The gift within me, I freely give, but my time and effort are worth something.

If you need a scripture, here is a reference: 1 Timothy 5:18 says, "You shall not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain (to keep it from eating)," and "The worker is worthy of his wages (he deserves fair compensation).

Prophetic Disclaimer: A prophetic message is a translation and delivery of what’s in the heart of Creator God for an individual. It is delivered through a human being and thus, can be subject to the presenter and/or the receiver. There are times when He will speak to the very subject that the receiver desires, but others when He will speak to what is on His heart only. Creator God gives what He desires to the prophetic vessel, and the vessel is responsible to simply deliver. I take no responsibility for your personal responses, or for any outcome connected to any message given.

You will best benefit by allowing God to walk you through the process of His messages, in His time and His way. I would encourage you not to worry about every detail of your word/reading, and how it relates to or fits your current circumstances. A prophetic message can often supersede time and situational circumstances. Thank you for your openness to the heart of God and to His use of another human being. Thank you for allowing me to speak into you for the purpose of edification, encouragement and comfort. I strive to give only what I hear from The Spirit of God; and I share in as much emotion as I feel is upon the message when I receive it for you.