Dream HealingWondering how your dreams can help you with emotional, spiritual, psychological and ancestral healing? When looking to find the negative issues in your life that hide in your subconscious, you can often find them cleverly concealed in your nightly dream scenarios. Many times, those very systems of bondage can affect your self worth, your relationships, your advancement and much more, Your dreams may actually be giving you ample opportunity to acknowledge and work through these harmful issues for the purpose of a very positive outcome. Your dreams can be a very important vehicle in revealing what's toxic below the surface. The opposition would like to stay in the darkness and be overlooked by your conscious understanding, so that it's undisturbed for as long as possible. Dissociation and fragmented personalities can also at times, be conveyed and found there in the construct of your dreams.

Many dreams are meant to be active proponents, working on your behalf to expose systems of bondage that can and do continue to ravage you by holding you in a prison of emotional captivity. The good news is that nothing that grows in the darkness can hide forever. Creator gives you dreams, often for the intention of shining a light on those systems of bondage. Your dreams not only uncover hidden issues, but also give the occasion to experience much needed catharsis. Are you needing to understand what you're processing in your dreams? Are you feeling like there are answers there that could facilitate healing in areas of your life?

I'm going to pray over your designated dream and take sufficient time to hear Spirit on all the important aspects of the dream and what He wants to tell me about them. I will make notes and organize all the data in a document for your review. The document will be sent to you via email, so that you have the opportunity to review before our scheduled healing session. We will set a date for your session, which will be a 50 minute appointment where I will walk you through the issues that are revealed in your dream over a recorded call. We will cleanse the areas that come up and redeem the situational circumstances, relationships, time, etc, that are called to my attention. My rate is $200.00 per dream, which includes our phone session and I'll send you the mp3 recording in your email so that you have it for your review.

Sound good?

Great! I just need you to hit the button below and complete the form!

Please, "DO NOT" give a history of your life or circumstances! This just muddles the process. Thank you!

It is not necessary to give any background to receive a dream analysis. When submitting your dream, please be concise and use punctuation to alleviate confusion. Please include important details such as times, dates, names, colors, or directional orientation (N, S, E, W). Include a short title with your initials (IE: Market Change: TB). Please include date and time of dream if you have it. For best results, please send your dream with your request (minimum of 3 days) in advance of your appointment to assure the most effective use of your time.

Or purchase a temporary subscription with me for Dream Healing Sessions, either once a month or twice monthly. I'll look at many of your dreams and process with you through what is buried in your overall dream life that may help you with focus, freedom and inner healing.

Dream Analysis