Welcome To "See & Discover"

If you desire to see more in the spirit realm, this may be for you! Find out how Creator communicates through all your spiritual senses.

This is a 4 week one-on-one mentoring package!

Do you desire to see past the natural construct around you into the spiritual realm for deeper certainty of your purpose? Are you missing the answers to your most burning questions about your destiny and your spiritual gifts? Is it difficult for you to see past the familiar image in the mirror to what is beneath your surface? Do you wish to have day dreams, night dreams, visions or other spiritual experiences, where you receive directional messages from Creator? This course is for you!

My mini-course will give you a framework to recognize and develop what is innately in you.

  • You will learn to acknowledge, tap into and activate your gifts.
  • You will have a clear vision of the spiritual tendencies that make you so special.
  • You will see into the spirit realm and have the opportunity to enter into cooperation with the spiritual sight that is particularly your own.
  • We will activate your vision by practice and use.
  • Every session will include activating your spiritual sight, so that you can better develop the uncommon and wonderful skills that you were created with.
  • You will never be the same again!
  • Not only will your awareness increase, but fresh endeavors will come from unlocking your gift to see and perceive what is offered you in and by The Spirit.

With The "See & Discover" Minicourse, you receive:

4 (45 min) one-on-one recorded phone sessions for you to review as needed. They will be delivered via email in mp3 format following each session.

What are the sessions?

First, I'll ask pertinent questions to uncover what is in you. You may not be fully aware of what is there until we hone in on what deposits have been placed within you by your Creator. My goal will be to unearth what has been hidden (or possibly suppressed) to free you up to use every surprising aspect of who you are! You will be able to really see the attributes of your Maker's creativity in your own spiritual DNA. Any questions? Contact me.

From there:

  1. You will discover what many of your gifts are. (What is it?)
  2.  You will see purpose for your gifts. (What is it for?)
  3. You will receive the clear vision of how to utilize what you have. (How do I use it?)
  4. You will be activated (put into practice) to use your gifts with intent, maybe for the first time ever.

My main goal is to help you to be more intentional in the use of your God given gifts and talents. I look forward to meeting you and to discovering your unique gifts with you. You are an original!

The cost of the 4-week course is $278.00. Click below to pay and sign up for the course.

Yes! I Want to See in The Spirit & Identify My Gifts


See & Discover Testimonials